Source code for quantized_mesh_tile.topology

""" This module defines the :class:`quantized_mesh_tile.topology.TerrainTopology`.

from __future__ import division

import math
from builtins import object

import numpy as np
from past.utils import old_div

from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.wkb import loads as load_wkb
from shapely.wkt import loads as load_wkt

from .llh_ecef import LLH2ECEF
from .utils import collapseIntoTriangles, computeNormals

[docs]class TerrainTopology(object): """ This class is used to build the terrain tile topology. Contructor arguments: ``geometries`` A list of shapely polygon geometries representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of WKT or WKB Polygons representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of triplet of vertices using the following structure: ``(((lon0/lat0/height0),(...),(lon2,lat2,height2)),(...))`` Default is `[]`. ``autocorrectGeometries`` When set to `True`, it will attempt to fix geometries that are not triangles. This often happens when geometries are clipped from an existing mesh. Default is `False`. ``hasLighting`` Indicate whether unit vectors should be computed for the lighting extension. Default is `False`. Usage example:: from quantized_mesh_tile.topology import TerrainTopology triangles = [ [[7.3828125, 44.6484375, 303.3], [7.3828125, 45.0, 320.2], [7.5585937, 44.82421875, 310.2]], [[7.3828125, 44.6484375, 303.3], [7.734375, 44.6484375, 350.3], [7.734375, 44.6484375, 350.3]], [[7.734375, 44.6484375, 350.3], [7.734375, 45.0, 330.3], [7.5585937, 44.82421875, 310.2]], [[7.734375, 45.0, 330.3], [7.5585937, 44.82421875, 310.2], [7.3828125, 45.0, 320.2]] ] topology = TerrainTopology(geometries=triangles) print topology """ def __init__(self, geometries=[], autocorrectGeometries=False, hasLighting=False): self.geometries = geometries self.autocorrectGeometries = autocorrectGeometries self.hasLighting = hasLighting self.vertices = [] self.cartesianVertices = [] self.faces = [] self.verticesLookup = {} if self.geometries: self.addGeometries(self.geometries) def __repr__(self): msg = 'Min height:' msg += '\n%s' % self.minHeight msg += '\nMax height:' msg += '\n%s' % self.maxHeight msg += '\nuVertex length:' msg += '\n%s' % len(self.uVertex) msg += '\nuVertex list:' msg += '\n%s' % self.uVertex msg += '\nvVertex length:' msg += '\n%s' % len(self.vVertex) msg += '\nuVertex list:' msg += '\n%s' % self.vVertex msg += '\nhVertex length:' msg += '\n%s' % len(self.hVertex) msg += '\nhVertex list:' msg += '\n%s' % self.hVertex msg += '\nindexData length:' msg += '\n%s' % len(self.indexData) msg += '\nindexData list:' msg += '\n%s' % self.indexData msg += '\nNumber of triangles: %s' % (old_div(len(self.indexData), 3)) return msg
[docs] def addGeometries(self, geometries): """ Method to add geometries to the terrain tile topology. Arguments: ``geometries`` A list of shapely polygon geometries representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of WKT or WKB Polygons representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of triplet of vertices using the following structure: ``(((lon0/lat0/height0),(...),(lon2,lat2,height2)),(...))`` """ if isinstance(geometries, (list, tuple)) and geometries: for geometry in geometries: if isinstance(geometry, (str, bytes)): geometry = self._loadGeometry(geometry) vertices = self._extractVertices(geometry) elif isinstance(geometry, BaseGeometry): vertices = self._extractVertices(geometry) else: vertices = geometry if self.autocorrectGeometries: if len(vertices) > 3: triangles = collapseIntoTriangles(vertices) for triangle in triangles: self._addVertices(triangle) else: self._addVertices(vertices) else: self._addVertices(vertices) self._create()
[docs] def _extractVertices(self, geometry): """ Method to extract the triangle vertices from a Shapely geometry. ``((lon0/lat0/height0),(...),(lon2,lat2,height2))`` You should normally never use this method directly. """ if not geometry.has_z: raise ValueError('Missing z dimension.') if not isinstance(geometry, Polygon): raise ValueError('Only polygons are accepted.') vertices = list(geometry.exterior.coords) if len(vertices) != 4 and not self.autocorrectGeometries: raise ValueError('None triangular shape has beeen found.') return vertices[:len(vertices) - 1]
[docs] def _loadGeometry(self, geometrySpec): """ A private method to convert a (E)WKB or (E)WKT to a Shapely geometry. """ if type(geometrySpec) is str and geometrySpec.startswith('POLYGON Z'): try: geometry = load_wkt(geometrySpec) except Exception: geometry = None else: try: geometry = load_wkb(geometrySpec) except Exception: geometry = None if geometry is None: raise ValueError('Failed to convert WKT or WKB to a Shapely geometry') return geometry
[docs] def _addVertices(self, vertices): """ A private method to add vertices to the terrain tile topology. """ vertices = self._assureCounterClockWise(vertices) face = [] for vertex in vertices: lookupKey = ','.join( ["{:.14f}".format(vertex[0]), "{:.14f}".format(vertex[1]), "{:.14f}".format(vertex[2])] ) faceIndex = self._lookupVertexIndex(lookupKey) if faceIndex is not None: # Sometimes we can have triangles with zero area # (due to unfortunate clipping) # In that case skip them # if faceIndex in face: # break face.append(faceIndex) else: self.vertices.append(vertex) self.cartesianVertices.append( LLH2ECEF(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2])) faceIndex = len(self.vertices) - 1 self.verticesLookup[lookupKey] = faceIndex face.append(faceIndex) # if len(face) == 3: self.faces.append(face)
[docs] def _create(self): """ A private method to create the final terrain data structure. """ self.vertices = np.array(self.vertices, dtype='float') self.cartesianVertices = np.array(self.cartesianVertices, dtype='float') self.faces = np.array(self.faces, dtype='int') if self.hasLighting: self.verticesUnitVectors = computeNormals( self.cartesianVertices, self.faces) self.verticesLookup = {}
[docs] def _lookupVertexIndex(self, lookupKey): """ A private method to determine if the vertex has already been discovered and return its index (or None if not found). """ if lookupKey in self.verticesLookup: return self.verticesLookup[lookupKey]
[docs] def _assureCounterClockWise(self, vertices): """ Private method to make sure vertices unwind in counterwise order. Inspired by:\ how-can-i-sort-a-coordinate-list-for-a-rectangle-counterclockwise """ mlat = old_div(sum(coord[0] for coord in vertices), float(len(vertices))) mlon = old_div(sum(coord[1] for coord in vertices), float(len(vertices))) def algo(coord): return (math.atan2(coord[0] - mlat, coord[1] - mlon) + 2 * math.pi) % ( 2 * math.pi ) vertices = sorted(vertices, key=algo, reverse=True) return vertices
@property def uVertex(self): """ A class property returning the horizontal coordinates of the vertices in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return self.vertices[:, 0] @property def vVertex(self): """ A class property returning the vertical coordinates of the vertices in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return self.vertices[:, 1] @property def hVertex(self): """ A class property returning the height of the vertices in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return self.vertices[:, 2] @property def minLon(self): """ A class property returning the minimal longitude in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.vertices[:, 0]) @property def minLat(self): """ A class property returning the minimal latitude in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.vertices[:, 1]) @property def minHeight(self): """ A class property returning the minimal height in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.vertices[:, 2]) @property def maxLon(self): """ A class property returning the maximal longitude in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.vertices[:, 0]) @property def maxLat(self): """ A class property returning the maximal latitude in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.vertices[:, 1]) @property def maxHeight(self): """ A class property returning the maximal height in the tile. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.vertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.vertices[:, 2]) @property def ecefMinX(self): """ A class property returning the minimal x value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.cartesianVertices[:, 0]) @property def ecefMinY(self): """ A class property returning the minimal y value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.cartesianVertices[:, 1]) @property def ecefMinZ(self): """ A class property returning the minimal z value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.min(self.cartesianVertices[:, 2]) @property def ecefMaxX(self): """ A class property returning the maximal x value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.cartesianVertices[:, 0]) @property def ecefMaxY(self): """ A class property returning the maximal y value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.cartesianVertices[:, 1]) @property def ecefMaxZ(self): """ A class property returning the maximal z value in ECEF coordinate system. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.cartesianVertices, np.ndarray): return np.max(self.cartesianVertices[:, 2]) @property def indexData(self): """ A class property retuning a list specifying how the vertices are linked together. These indices refer to the values in `uVertex`, `vVertex` and `hVertex` of this class. Normally never used directly. """ if isinstance(self.faces, np.ndarray): return self.faces.flatten()