Source code for quantized_mesh_tile.__init__

This module provides high level utility functions to encode and decode a terrain tile.


# Enable Shapely "speedups" if available
from shapely import speedups

from .terrain import TerrainTile
from .topology import TerrainTopology

if speedups.available:

[docs]def encode(geometries, bounds=[], autocorrectGeometries=False, hasLighting=False, watermask=[]): """ Function to convert geometries into a :class:`quantized_mesh_tile.terrain.TerrainTile` instance. Arguments: ``geometries`` A list of shapely polygon geometries representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of WKT or WKB Polygons representing 3 dimensional triangles. or A list of triplet of vertices using the following structure: ``(((lon0/lat0/height0),(...),(lon2,lat2,height2)),(...))`` ``bounds`` The bounds of the terrain tile. (west, south, east, north) If not defined, the bounds will be computed from the provided geometries. Default is `[]`. ``autocorrectGeometries`` When set to `True`, it will attempt to fix geometries that are not triangles. This often happens when geometries are clipped from an existing mesh. Default is `False`. ``hasLighting`` (Experimental) Indicate whether unit vectors should be computed for the lighting extension. Default is `False`. ``watermask`` A water mask list (Optional). Adds rendering water effect. The water mask list is either one byte, `[0]` for land and `[255]` for water, either a list of 256*256 values ranging from 0 to 255. Values in the mask are defined from north-to-south and west-to-east. Per default no watermask is applied. Note that the water mask effect depends on the texture of the raster layer drapped over your terrain. Default is `[]`. """ topology = TerrainTopology(geometries=geometries, autocorrectGeometries=autocorrectGeometries, hasLighting=hasLighting) if len(bounds) == 4: west, south, east, north = bounds tile = TerrainTile(topology=topology, watermask=watermask, west=west, south=south, east=east, north=north) else: tile = TerrainTile(topology=topology, watermask=watermask) return tile
[docs]def decode(filePath, bounds, hasLighting=False, hasWatermask=False, gzipped=False): """ Function to convert a quantized-mesh terrain tile file into a :class:`quantized_mesh_tile.terrain.TerrainTile` instance. Arguments: ``filePath`` An absolute or relative path to write the terrain tile. (Required) ``bounds`` The bounds of the terrain tile. (west, south, east, north) (Required). ``hasLighting`` (Experimental) Indicate whether the tile has the lighting extension. Default is `False`. ``hasWatermask`` Indicate whether the tile has the water-mask extension. Default is `False`. """ west, south, east, north = bounds tile = TerrainTile(west=west, south=south, east=east, north=north) tile.fromFile( filePath, hasLighting=hasLighting, hasWatermask=hasWatermask, gzipped=gzipped) return tile